Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Lego Bible

I want to pass on a link that Matt Dabbs put on his blog. It is called the "Brick Testament". It is where some minister has been recreating huge numbers of the Biblical narratives and teachings using legos. He is disturbingly good at this. I wish I would have known about a lot of these when I was teaching certain portions of the Old Testament. There will be a series of pictures for each section that illustrate the Bible verse by verse. It's really amazing!

You can see it here.


  1. I could be wrong(it happens sometimes), but I think this guy is an athiest. An athiest whom God spoke to through a burrito at a Taco Bell and told him to depict the Bible in Legos. My little brother got one of his books a couple of years ago for christmas and it had a forward that was really really out there. My parents almost didn't buy it for him because the forward was so wierd. I wasn't able to find anything on his website about it, so I could have the wrong guy. But, there is a burrito talking lego bible guy out there somewhere. I just know it.

  2. p.s. Still some really cool stuff. I enjoy it a lot.

  3. Every section has a warning for lego Nudity and Violence.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks John! Had I realized about some of the sex scenes being there, I might not have publicized this so much. At the same time, it's all pretty scriptural I guess.

    I had not put together that you and Jared are related! It was good to bump into you. Hope to see you around on the blogosphere.


  6. Yeah i think he has a disclaimer on there about him not really being a minister.

  7. I sure hope you got his permission. Apparently he is serious enough about this that he devoted a whole page to it. I just dont want a burrito listening leggo-maniac beating down your door. Hope all is well!
