Sunday, October 04, 2009

Perspicacity for the Day: John Heywood (1497-1580)

John Heywood printed Proverbs in 1546, which is the earliest collection of English colloquial sayings. Many of these quotes should not be contributed to him specifically, though he compiled them into one handy source.

- Haste maketh waste.
- Looke re ye leap.
- The loss of wealth is loss of dirt, as sages in all times assert; the happy man's without a shirt.
- A hard beginning maketh a good ending.
- All is well that ends well.
- All is fish that cometh to net.
- Rome was not built in one day.
- Beggars should be no choosers.
- Three may keep counsel, if two be away.
- Many hands make light work.
- This hitteth the nail on the head.
- I know on which side my bread is buttered.
- Enough is as good as a feast.

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