I especially got a kick out of some of my youth group kids as little boys and girls in their sailor suits and lacy dresses. I will have to say my personal favorite was one of the dads of my youth group who was sporting an incredible mullet in the early 90's. I'm fighting hard to resist the temptation to scan those puppies and get them up on Facebook, but I think I would be biting off more than I can chew. The pictures on this post are some I found on the internet from someone's reunion where they did before and after shots of people. Everyone grows up and gets older!
The Future You
The person you are to become is always watching the person you are right now. The image you have of yourself tomorrow depends on the actions you watch yourself take today. The confidence with which you live next month will be based on the integrity of your actions this week.
You can always hide and conceal things from just about anyone, but the person you are to become is always watching. That person's opinion of you will play a major role in your life.
Will you be proud tomorrow of what you did today? Will your future self find strength in your present actions and attitudes? Will you learn from your mistakes and from your successes? The you of tomorrow is watching, waiting, hoping and depending upon the you of today.
Live each moment like someone is watching because that someone can make you or break you. Live so that the person you become in the future can look back with gratitude and admiration at the person you are right now.
Trials, temptations, disappointments - all these are helps instead of hindrances if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of a character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.
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