Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Big Milestone for Me: My First Book

Now that it is actually in publication, I am pleased to announce that my first book is available for purchase. It is part of the brand new Flex curriculum published by 21st Century Christian.

Many churches consider curriculum, but for decades, curriculum has been on a set rotation of subjects that are only available at specified times. They have now produced a set of a la carte curriculum that is simply available to you whenever you want it. They have 2 options so far, with 2 more coming in August, and they will continue to add to the options in the upcoming months.

The advantage of this is that they are keeping the costs down, so as opposed to buying everyone a $16 book for your Bible class, you can get everyone one of these at $3.75 each.

My book is called The Story of God's People, and it is a very panoramic look at all of Biblical history from pre-creation up to what Scripture teaches about the end of time.

This comes from a class I taught at Old Hickory. I made a series of sophisticated handouts--if I may toot my own horn, which I pitched to 21st Century Christian. They told me that with a little reworking of the format, they wanted to publish them. I sincerely hope that this book will be a blessing to people; especially to those who want to understand more about how the Bible fits together.

I would be flattered to have you take a look at it. It is available here.


  1. Congrats, brother.

    As one who has gone through the writing process (and is trying to do it again), I know this is not an easy thing to do.

    Congratulations on being published, and I'll pray that many gain good knowledge of God's Word from this book!


  2. DUDE! That is so cool! I'm jealous of you and proud of you at the same time. I looked at the sample pages - I like the tone and content. It's deep stuff without being out of reach, that's difficult to do and you did it well.

  3. Just ordered it. Looking forward to reading it and incorporating it into The Arnold church of Christ curriculum.

  4. Congrats...I am really glad that God is using this to bless more and more people. It is smart for them to move away from specific quarters on their curriculum to a more open ended approach. It is a better business model and is way more practical.

  5. I look forward to reading it - I have just been trying to plan out future subjects for one of our adult classes, and this kind of study would work great. Thanks for putting the time in to make this kind of stuff available!
    -Andrew Phillips

  6. That is so cool Mark! Congrats!!!

  7. Congratulations Mark. I know how exciting that must be for you. Way to go buddy.

  8. Sorry to be such a slow poke on moderating my hasn't been letting me know; I just happened to see them!

    You guys are all really kind, and I appreciate all your support. Blessings to you all.

